Friday, June 16, 2017

The Primal Man by Troy Wisehart

  The Primal Man

The strength and magical ability of the Primal Man is boundless and his heart is filled with joy and courage. There is no doubt in his mind that he will achieve his goals and fulfill his desires. In the search for wisdom and strength a man must delve deep into the abyss of his own psyche to discover his true nature. Then he must resolve to face what he finds there for what it is without fear and with brutal honesty or he will never be able to transform and realize his full potential. This is the starting point from which the work of coming into being can take place. A man must know himself before he is able to establish his own personal process of becoming. Naturally a man’s upbringing, what he reads and the people with whom he associates will influence him, but in the end he must decide what is valid and applicable to his life for himself. He must create a way of being that is completely his own and realize that all power comes from within. There are three main precepts to the philosophy herein referred to as “The Primal Man.”

Limitless Power

The first precept is that man begins life in a state of mind in which he knows no limits to his power and ability. He is yet to be told the thousands of lies designed to socially engineer fear, doubt, guilt and self-loathing into his mind so that he can be manipulated and controlled. At the beginning of life a man’s mind is untainted by this deception and it seems that the very stars are within his grasp. This state of mind is what once was enjoyed by ancient, primitive man as he painted animals for the spirits to see on the walls of caves, smeared himself with ash and the juice of roots and berries, and danced by the light of his fires ritually enacting a successful hunt.  
The obstacle to regaining the original state of being in which a man is born is a yawning abyss of anger, pain and self-doubt that can never be filled no matter what or how much is poured into it. Like a broken vessel that can never be full, he is drained as fast as he is filled. There are many things that can distract or blind a man to the existence of this abyss but it is there nonetheless, syphoning away his power, diminishing his will and crushing his hopes and dreams. In fact this chasm continues to grow until he is consumed entirely by it unless he perceives and acknowledges it and figures out how to successfully deal with its presence in his life. This black hole of agony is a part of what makes up the man as a whole, it is a part of his being and must be embraced to be overcome. But problems arise when a man becomes out of balance by attempting to alleviate the pain caused by this abyss through ineffective, counterproductive and most often detrimental methods. In many cases the recognition of this void does not take place until a man’s life is literally in danger of being utterly destroyed. But when a man’s dysfunction is so great that it can no longer be ignored he is forced to take action or face complete annihilation. In order to re-establish his original state of balance he must first identify and acknowledge the source of his problems. Once a man becomes aware of this abyss in his life he can begin the work of overcoming his weaknesses. This is the first step toward becoming the Primal Man. This is a process in which layer upon layer of self is revealed over time as he consciously and consistently chooses the course of action that cause him to gain in strength. Stages of awareness will occur in flashes of understanding and inspiration. As time goes by he will discover deeper and deeper levels of himself that need to be forced into the light and transformed through right action and force of will. With each step he takes towards accomplishing his goals he will gain strength and the universe will begin to align with his goals. This is the ongoing process required in order for a man to achieve his highest potential. This is the man that he was in the beginning of his life, before he was deceived into believing he was someone other than who he truly is. This is the man that believes unquestioningly in the infinite possibility of his life. When an illusion is perceived its power is destroyed. This is the man that knows that he is, and always has been, the man he is meant to be if only he chooses to make it so. This is the beginning of his journey on the path of becoming and the realization of his full potential as a man.

All Power Comes from Within

The second precept is that all power comes from within. Man is in and of himself a microcosm of Yggdrasil (the World Tree). As such he is one with all of creation and therefore capable of doing anything he sets his mind to do.  The ancient Norse text in the Poetic Edda known as the Svipdagsimal relates the myth of the hero Svipdag who is on a quest of initiation in which he must gain entrance to the hall of Menglad (Freya). This mythical quest of initiation is a metaphorical way of describing how Svipdag (Svip = changing or becoming and dag = day which is a kenning for enlightenment), fully realizes his potential as a man on every level of his being, which ultimately results in his attainment of immortality. The success of his journey depends on him first being able to accomplish the seemingly impossible task of gaining access to the upper realm in which the hall of Menglad is located. However, the ability to gain that lofty height can only be attained by drinking a magic potion (the potion is a metaphor for magical power and ability) which is located in the depths of the underworld and guarded by the evil hag Sinmara. The paradox lies in the fact that Sinmara will only give a drink of the magic potion to the man who brings her a feather from the cock that sits in the upper most branches of Yggdrasil. To gain the highest heights Svipdag must first descend to the deepest depths, but to acquire what he needs from there he must bring something from the heights to which he is unable to ascend. It is only when Svipdag comes to the understanding that everything he needs is within himself already that he is able to gain access to Menglad who then gladly and joyously opens wide the gates of her castle and welcomes the hero inside, which is a metaphor for Svipdag gaining union with his hamingja or higher self resulting in the realization of his highest potential as a man. This entire process is a mythological description of what must take place in the mind of men before they are able to ascend and become a Primal Man.

Thought is the Creator

The third, and most important, precept is that man creates himself and his life with his thoughts. This is true because what a man thinks originates with his spirit and a man’s thoughts determine his actions, which in turn create the circumstances of his life. Although it might seem to most that thought is simply automatic it is seldom constructive to think unintentionally. The current society in which man finds himself today is largely built on instilling fear and negativity in the minds of the masses. From religion to politics and everything in between, man is bombarded with fear-based propaganda and lies designed to shackle his mind with unseen yet powerful chains. These chains must be broken before a man is able to rise above the state intended for him by powers bent on his enslavement. A man can only become master of his own destiny by learning to control his own thoughts. One trait that all successful and powerful men have is the ability to focus and concentrate. Any man who meditates knows the challenges of quieting their mind and stilling their thoughts. All throughout a man’s day random thoughts will enter his mind. Some of these thoughts might be useful and constructive epiphanies but more often than not these random thoughts will be in response to some outside influence not advantageous to his goals. Exposure to any type of media will most certainly introduce negative thinking in some way. This is not to say that a man should hide himself away like some hermit, although that often might appear attractive, it simply serves to illustrate the difficulty a man faces in thinking thoughts of his own choosing. This is important because by consistently thinking certain thoughts those thoughts become a man’s predominant way of thinking. This understanding is vital to a life of strength and success as it is thought that determines action and only action will bring about results. Man is connected to the sentient and intelligent universe which is responsive to his thoughts and provides accordingly. In addition to the universal mind there are spirits that follow a man throughout his life. These spirits are responsive to the thoughts, words and actions of the man to whom they are attached and play a huge role in how a man’s life manifests. They are literally a part of a man’s mind, body, soul complex and must be nurtured and strengthened even as the body needs to be nurtured in order to grow and thrive. The world of spirit will react to the spirit of a man and assist in bringing about the circumstances to which he is most inclined. The kind of spirits that attach themselves to a man are a reflection of the nature of that man, which is determined by his thoughts.  

That Primal Man knows no limits to his power is the rejection of the lies of self-loathing and doubt that are taught to men from the time they are born, the metaphor of the tree teaches that all power comes from within and that thought is the creator of life is simply the discipline to remain focused on established goals and to think intentionally. There is no magic wand; no invisible man in the sky to magically make it all better, there is only mind, will and choice. The world of spirit can be of help but only to a man that helps himself. The Primal Man chooses the life that he wants for himself and creates it.

Troy Wisehart

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