There is a resurgence of heathenism/ pagan belief.
It was really a matter of time.
The Judeo/ Christian occupation is obviously failing as we break the shackles put on our ancestors centuries ago. We hear hails to ancestral Gods resound worldwide as we of European descent rediscover what was taken and hidden, the land wights are hailed and gifts offered to them as we strive to resurrect the old ways.
Personal gnosis warning.
We are not our ancestors, these are not their land wights and perhaps the Gods are not who they were.

Yes, we have the direct genetic code within of those who came before but we are no longer European but American, Canadian, South American, etc. who are carrying the spark to kindle a new fire with which we can use to light the way for generations to come who would seek a better way.
As we have become citizens of these countries and lands to which we are born, with different languages and ethnic backgrounds, we see people of varied races wearing hammers, runes, sun wheels, etc answering the call and we hear arguments that they shouldn't because they don't have the ancestry when, and I know several of darker skin, who do have Nordic , Slavic and Germanic heritage. Should they not hear the calling then? Keep in mind I am folkish and hold the opinion of ancestral beliefs and will always say that you should follow the beliefs of your folk and don't dabble in others.
as we have changed so too do I have a sense the Gods changed as they have predominantly layed asleep and forgotten, seemingly, by their kin.
Ask yourself, why would the wights of our ancestral lands want to leave a land they are tied to? What have our gods become as they have awakened into this new world? As the world works on a macrocosm/microcosm principle why would not these powers be subjected to the same changes if the very core of nature is?
This land has its own wights and they have been neglected and spurned in much the same way as their European counterparts and there are tales of places where people are not welcomed so well. Myself and some of my associates have done offerings to these wights using tobacco as well as bread and Mead made with local ingredients and yielded some interesting results and in one instance, we were treated to the sight of one moving through the trees surrounding us! A shade with humanoid form with long arms and what appeared to be horns.
Also in all, most still seem to forget we are stewards of the lands and not those who would subjugate it.
We are not Christian, we are Heathens and pagans.
It is time we acted as such.
John Roark