Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Fractures have appeared

The world has  become insane. I feel like we're watching bad theater only we can't leave. 
If someone wants to live like that, fine. The problem becomes they expect that the rest of us need to live that way as well and then they attack us when we won't. This is the way forward towards a new dark age.
The state and all it's trappings is their religion now. I firmly believe it. 
I'm not Christian but I've come to believe that belief, spirituality or religion is necessary for the individual or they become dangerous cult members, open to any influence, swayed by whatever wind blows their way so to speak, clinging desperately like rats to any scrap of flotsam that drifts by for safety.
I'm not talking bible thumping but actually nature and the animistic forces within it. Society has pulled so far from the natural world, it's embraced an anti nature belief system with government, "science" and technology as the holy trinity and it's just as fucked if not more so than the religious right. 
I used to think that humanity had lost it's ability to find balance, now I doubt it ever possessed the ability in the first place or maybe that this balance was supposed to be on an individual level and then up the chain to society but too many are way out of order at this point to even be able to come close to any equilibrium.
Food for thought.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Self Determination and Probiotics

“All disease begins in the gut.”
Inside you are colonies of bacteria that interact with what you eat and drink- Some of their
metabolic processes result in bio available vitamins and amino acids which are crucial to your
body's functions...but if their numbers become imbalanced , they can create a septic and
negative physical experience for their host.
Some studies indicate that our bodies contain microbes in ratios outnumbering human cells at
ten to one. We are completely colonized, especially along the digestive tract. Our little buddies
serve an important role in our absorption of nutrients, our digestion, our metabolic processes,
and they produce amino acids and fatty acids that affect us in ways not dissimilar to hormones.
Our moods, cravings and even sleeping patterns are largely the result of chemical reactions
caused by gut bacteria.
Though cases vary, it can often be found that instances of Inflammation, fatigue, weight gain,
depression, and various mental illnesses are the result of imbalances within our normally
healthy bacterial colonies, as one group is thrown into dominance, releasing chemicals into our
bodies which cause us to crave foods and behaviors that will support their continued
supremacy. With this imbalance the host may experience everything from ulcerative colitis and
candidiasis to depression, bipolar disorder, autism, chronic fatigue or just plain sugar cravings.
Behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, consumption of refined sugar and certain
carbohydrates, under consumption of water, and overeating can all negatively affect the gut
biome, and unfortunately a body out of balance tends to gravitate towards these habits in a
cycle that perpetuates itself.
If one seeks to better themselves and change who they are, conscientiously crafting an
idealized self, then the gut biome cannot be ignored. Tendencies towards emotional instability,
lethargy and a seemingly uncontrollable urge to violate one’s food consumption regimen with
beer or sugar, can usually be addressed through a simple attentiveness to diet as it affects the
gut .
Often, the draw to simple carbohydrates and sugars is so strong that logic is over ruled. Like a
junky we cram those things which will feed the reigning bacterial group in our bodies, and they
reward us with a release of chemicals which create pleasant sensations.
How poetically similar to the mode through which modern society controls individuals’ life
choices- using social and economic pressure to force one’s hand, and rewarding them with the
gift of a consumerism that temporarily delights before giving way to yet more need. Fittingly, the
foods of that society are the worst culprits for perpetuating the cycle of imbalance in our bodies.
As above, So below.
If you disdain modern society’s demands that you sink into a Brave New World style
soma-coma, waking only to supply the empire with your labors, then you should definitely
disdain the little bugs in your gut that would demand cupcakes or malt liquor so that you can
become a pillowy yeast farm. If your goal is strength, mastery, and self determination, there can
be no differentiation between the two.
“When you have the savories and fine dishes set before you, you will gain an idea of their
nature if you tell yourself that this is the corpse of a fish, and that the corpse of a bird or a pig; or
again, that fine Falernian wine is merely grape juice, and that this purple robe some sheep’s
wool dipped in the blood of a shellfish: and as for sexual intercourse, it is the friction of a piece
of gut and, following a sort of convulsion, the expulsion of some mucus. Thoughts such as these
reach through to the things themselves and strike to the heart of them, allowing us to see them
as they truly are.”
- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
One of the best ways to maintain a healthy gut biome is through the introduction of positive
bacteria. One can take probiotic supplements, and can eat yogurt and drink Kombucha, and cut
back on sugar, refined grains,and beer. Educate yourself about prebiotics- foods like garlic and
dandelion greens and Jerusalem artichoke, which contain types of fiber that feed positive
bacterial colonies. Investigate the differences in various types of fats and experiment with the
effect of satiety derived from proper fat consumption rather than overeating carbohydrates.
These are all helpful acts in the process of learning to listen to your body and the bacteria that
live there in order to become stronger, healthier and more effective at reaching your goals in life
and in any fitness regimen.
If you feel that your eating habits are particularly out of control, that you are suffering from
physical or psychological effects that are rooted in disruptions of gut bacteria, or that you would
like to reboot your system and start fresh, you may find the work of Dr. Campbell McBride of
interest. Dr McBride designed a dietary protocol known as the GAPS (Gut and Psychology
Syndrome) diet, which has been used to successfully treat Ulcerative colitis, autism, depression,
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, amongst many other gut related illnesses. McBride’s
website is easily accessible and contains enough information for anyone to undertake a
rudimentary healing regimen without spending a penny on books or podcasts. All you buy is
your food and supplements.
Two things that come in handy when trying to balance the gut biome are sauerkraut and beet
kvass. Both are excellent sources of probiotics, vitamins, minerals and the amino acids that
make our brains work properly. Sauerkraut is an agreeable condiment (or side dish) , full of
vitamin C, that pairs well with meat, eggs, cheese, or thrown into soups. Beet kvass is
sometimes referred to as Eastern European gatorade, and is full of electrolytes, endurance
boosting nitrates, potassium for your nerves and muscles and betaine for your liver. It’s sour,
with an odd but satisfying fizziness. Both are cheap and easy to make, and both help inoculate
the gut against imbalances.

any revolution, the beginning can be unsettling and uncomfortable. Die-off symptoms can
include temporary inflammation, fogginess and bloating. Drink lots of water and bone broth.
Both of these foods are traditional European staples that have a long history of being regarded
as safe and nutrient rich ways to preserve vegetables . In the north, lacto fermentation was the
perfect way to preserve food through a long winter, while maximizing bio availability of things like
vitamin C. Eventually, people began to pour vinegar over the ferments to arrest their progress at
a certain point. Vinegar kills the bacteria we’re after here- so while raw apple cider vinegar in
moderation is a panacea, vinegar based pickles and sauerkrauts will not serve the same gut
inoculating ends. Raw and primitive is best.
You Need
1 large jar or ceramic crock/cookie jar. Nothing metal (reactive) or plastic (hormone disruptors
holding an acidic medium may leach, they are also porous and may hold disruptive bacteria) or
wooden (porous and holds bacteria which could disrupt the ferment)
1 large bowl
1 big knife
Sea salt with no additives or anti caking agents. Grey salt if you can get it.
1-4 heads of cabbage depending on your jar size
(Optional) ⅛ - ½ cup of raw liquid from a pre existing ferment. Bubbe’s is a good brand to steal
starter from. You can do without this, but it certainly makes the process go smoother and faster.
Cut the cabbage in half along the base. Starting at the top, thinly slice the cabbage into strips. ¼
of an inch would be a bit too thick.
Alternately, quarter the cabbage head and feed it through a food processor using the slicing
attachment . I don't prefer the textural outcome of this method, but it is easier if you don't have
the best knife skills.
Put the cabbage into a large bowl. It may not all fit. Often, I do this part in stages. Each single
head of cabbage receives one tablespoon of sea salt, sprinkled on top.
With very clean hands, begin to work the salt into the cabbage. Squeeze, press and knead the
cabbage until you have macerated it enough to have forced out enough water to submerge the
kraut as it ferments.
(If you have a proper crock, you can take a sauerkraut tamper or french rolling pin and beat the
layers of salt and sauerkraut down into the crock, until it is completely full and everything is
submerged in cabbage fluid.)
Pack the sauerkraut into its jar or crock, and pour the liquid over it, pressing it under. Ideally, a
plate or pair of ceramic sauerkraut weights can be used. Worst case scenario is an old pickle
jar with the lid screwed on extra tight. Best case scenario is the aforementioned hermetic crock
with weights.)
Seal the kraut and put it somewhere out of the light where extreme temperature will not disturb
it. Usually two to three weeks is sufficient to get a moderate sour going, and it will continue to
sour/improve with time. When you need to arrest fermentation, use clean, non porous, non
reactive utensils such as a silicone spatula or a steel spoon to remove some of the sauerkraut
to a clean container for refrigeration. When your supply gets low, use that last little bit as a
starter for the next batch.
Because this is a natural and primitive style of fermentation, occasionally abnormalities will
occur. White mold floating on top of the brine can be removed, as long as the ferment still
smells sour and none of the cabbage was touched- the brine will be to acidic for this type of
mold to survive below the surface. If you encounter mold on the actual sauerkraut, a sweet,
rotting, non acidic odor, or mold any color but white (blue, black, orange) TOSS IT, and start

Beet Kvass
You Need
1 gallon jar (flip top with a rubber seal or an old pickle jar work best)
3 beets
Non chlorinated water or water which has been boiled and allowed to cool to room temperature
1 tablespoon Sea salt
(Optional) ⅛ cup Starter culture
Clean jar thoroughly .
Scrub the beets well to remove all dirt, but leave the skin in tact.
Chop into one inch- ish cubes, and place them in the jar. Sprinkle them with sea salt.

Pour in the water and using a non porous, non reactive spoon, stir well until all of the sea salt is
obviously dissolved in the water.
At this point, if you intend to use a starter,it is time to add it in. Many recipes use whey, but I
prefer the same starter used for sauerkraut, or leftover beet kvass from the last batch. It speeds
up the ferment and helps to stabilize it. If you’ve never fermented before I highly recommend it.
Cover the top of the jar with cheesecloth or a clean nylon pantyhose and allow it to sit covered,
away from the light for 3-4 days. It may begin to form a skin on top, which you can either ignore
or remove at the next step.
Screw on a tight lid and allow it to sit at room temperature for about a week, if it's hot out, maybe
3-4 days.
Refrigerate it for a day or two, at which point you can try some. It should be earthy and sour with
a little bit of fizz. It may need more time depending on whether or not you used a starter and the
ambient temperature in your home. If it doesn't smell or taste sour, after a total 2 week process,
definitely do not drink it. Acidity is the sign of proper bacterial processes in these recipes. It
should always be pleasantly sour, and not yeasty.
Be sure to save some to start your next batch.
(For an extra treat, take the beets out of the jar when you're finished, chop them up a bit more,
and use them to make a goat cheese and pickled beet salad, drizzled with olive oil, sea salt and
lots of black pepper. )
Nimue K.
Please follow her blog- Ein Kluge Spise

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Entering the Dessert- An interview with Craig Williams LAC repost from Occult of Personality

Here is a recent Interview with Craig Williams via the Occult of Personality podcast conducted by Greg Kaminsky.
Craig himself is a practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vedic Sciences, Gnostic Spirituality, and Martial Arts and seems to hold the similar belief to myself that one needs to sharpen their body spirit and mind to become a whole, healthy person. He has recently put out a new book on Anathema Publishing entitled Entering the Desert as well as Cave of the Numinous and many excellent articles as well

Please enjoy and support Occult of Personality by joining hereChamber of Reflection
Click on the photo below to listen to the interview

Entering the desert

Gods and land spirits

There is a resurgence of heathenism/ pagan belief. 
It was really a matter of time. 
The Judeo/ Christian occupation is obviously failing as we break the shackles put on our ancestors centuries ago. We hear hails to ancestral Gods resound worldwide as we of European descent  rediscover what was taken and hidden, the land wights are hailed and gifts offered to them as we strive to resurrect the old ways.
Personal gnosis warning.
We are not our ancestors, these are not their land wights and perhaps the Gods are not who they were.
Yes, we have the direct genetic code within of those who came before but we are no longer European but American, Canadian, South American, etc. who are carrying the spark to kindle a new fire with which we can use to light the way for generations to come who would seek a better way.
As we have become citizens of these countries and lands to which we are born, with different languages and ethnic backgrounds, we see people of varied races wearing hammers, runes, sun wheels, etc answering the call and we hear arguments that they shouldn't because they don't  have the ancestry when, and I know several of darker skin, who do have Nordic , Slavic and Germanic heritage. Should they not hear the calling then? Keep in mind I am folkish and hold the opinion of ancestral beliefs and will always say that you should follow the beliefs of your folk and don't dabble in others.
However as we have changed so too do  I have a sense the Gods changed as they have predominantly layed asleep and forgotten, seemingly, by their kin.
Ask yourself, why would the wights of our ancestral lands want to leave a land they are tied to?  What have our gods become as they have awakened into this new world? As the world works on a macrocosm/microcosm principle why would not these powers be subjected to the same changes if the very core of nature is?
This land has its own wights and they have been neglected and spurned in much the same way as their European counterparts and there are tales of places where people are not welcomed so well. Myself and some of my associates have done offerings to these wights using tobacco as well as bread and Mead made with local ingredients and yielded some interesting results and in one instance, we were treated to the sight of one moving through the trees surrounding us! A shade with humanoid form with long arms and what appeared to be horns.
Also in all, most still seem to forget we are stewards of the lands and not those who would subjugate it.
We are not Christian, we are Heathens and pagans.
 It is time we acted as such.
John Roark

Friday, June 16, 2017

Alan Moore on Magick

An interesting take on what magick is and isnt by Alan Moore. Please read his books if you haven't.

The Ashen Path

We live in an un natural world filled with every manner of distraction possible to allow us to ignore our unquiet, dissatisfied and disenfranchised spirit.
At any time we can be in contact with the whole of humanity, establish digital tribes and nations, a veritable digital library of Alexandria. One can easily become initiated into any secret, Occult or otherwise, their heart desires without any effort other than to type in a few words in a search engine.
Many would consider this a good thing and to a certain level this may be but digging beneath one also  finds this dulls the senses, overwhelms the mind while actually giving no tangible experience whatsoever.
It is important to realize that we are still a part of this natural world that surrounds us. The more we detach ourselves the more we find restlessness , a schism of the spirit occurring within.
Truth is though that we cannot truly remove ourselves as we are a part of this whole. Think of the world as a living organism because it is.  This notion that modern society tries to sell that we are above nature and conquering it is just as absurd as your own arm rebelling or your feet deciding they are no longer part of the whole of you.
It is of utmost importance that we immerse ourselves in the natural world, to feel the beast behind your eyes flex its claws in anticipation of the hunt, to nurture the restless spirit within us all via the hidden paths and forgotten trails of the forest within and without.
We are tied to this world, as above so below, microcosm / macrocosm. From the most minute cellular process to a bustling city we see a pattern, a code a DNA sequence that though varied is never dissimilar in process or kind.  The more we are forced out of this the more it is important we strive to rebel against this. Society wants us to be good consumers, unquestioning cattle, fattened for the kill. Useful only until the very last dollar and drop of productivity towards the perceived greater good is wrung from you.    We have entered an age of what can only be called toxic modernity and we should all be at war with it.
The Ashen Path is to be trod upon by those who would fight to build a world outside the empire of nothing who's cancerous tendrils have found their way in and infected the world around us.  Here you will find ideas, tools and hints to guide your way along  it and hopefully it will encourage  you to find your feet firmly set upon it and away from the grey monotony of the world they have handed you.
Travel well.-
John Roark

Blue Velvet, A Love Letter to Antifa- Amelia Beechwood

Blue Velvet:
A Love Letter to the Antifa

Dearest Truth,

We met online—well, you met me. I piqued your interest, so to speak. It was my art of course, and art I supported. My writing and publishing. You, the eternal critic, always searching for a new creative endeavor that fits your requirements. No one can be the viewer quite like you can. You can see all the details others might miss, my love.

Oh, my dearest, our 10th anniversary has come and gone. My how the time has flown, how we have grown. I find myself turning the memories over and over, slowly wearing the sharp edges down to a dulled feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I should have felt honored by such attention. But instead, I felt violated. But that was before. Before I knew you, my darling, before I knew...Truth. I was, I see now, the equivalent to walking alone with too short a skirt. I was asking for it. I just didn't know it. That was because I had yet to behold Truth, my love. The kind you have shown me. The kind of Truth that leaves one naked, revealed, for the hungry eyes of your brothers. At first, it felt wrong.

See, I had never known Truth quite like this before. The kind that likes know...screw. And never gets tired of screwing. I didn't even know I was that kind of girl. Until I met you. Until you found me. Searched me out. Knew I was special. I know there are others you seek out, sniff out, to screw, sure. But I don't concern myself. Once you've had Truth like this, you don't mind sharing.

It took awhile, our courting. The first time caught me off guard. Took me by surprise. Took me from behind. Your anonymous, don't-you-fucking-look-at-me attitude was off-putting, controlling, coercive—for a free-thinkin', free-wheelin' gal like myself. Being followed. Stalked. Threatened. Attacked, with my reputation left for dead. My mind raped. Mind rapist. That's how I saw you...but I soon warmed up. Because soon you convinced me. I deserved it. You know me, better than I know myself. You see all the sin that I've tried so desperately to hide from the world. To hide from myself...I didn't even know it was there. But you, lover, you know Truth. And you've taught it to me. Me—a sinner!

But did not Christ supp with whores?

My eyes were opened, and I begged your forgiveness, my dearest Truth. Still I beg. Please forgive me. I know I've been a bad girl. I know I don't deserve it but...I'm ready to ask Truth into my heart. Just please, when you come into my heart...make it hurt. Like you do. Like we both know you will. You've ruined me for any other Truth.

Because not only did you introduce me to Truth, you showed me how it should really feel. You made it. You made me...believe it. When you screw me, you really get into it. You go so deep, screw me so good, grip so far into my head...when you leave...I can still feel your fingers. In my brain. Just how you like it.

Some might call it Stockholm Syndrome. Feminists might accuse me of internalizing the patriarchal paradigm. But we know better, don't we, my darling, my love? They tell me abuser's tactics include threats, intimidation, humiliation, alienation. But that's not you, my dearest Antifa, no. Some might say that you putting my family, my children, at risk for your own ends is sociopathic. Posting my address and pictures of my dear sweet, innocent boys, criminal. But, love. I know your end, and that your end is Truth! And this sacrifice, the safety of my own flesh and blood, only makes me love you all the more.

It's was Truth—your promise:
You receive a love letter from me, you're fucked forever!”

My darling, my teacher. Always educating me on the paradox of obsession-repulsion. Teaching me to stop hiding. Teaching me real purity. Purifying me. I've tried to escape Truth, but you wouldn't let me. Always searching. Always watching. You knew it was for my own Good. The Good of all humanity. You have a calling. Those with simple, degraded, minds don't understand the sacred task you undertake. And all the trash you need to dig through to find...Truth. Spying on me, oh jealous lover. Illegally accessing my emails. Wanting to know what books I'm reading. What music I'm listening to. What words I see. What sounds I hear. What  thoughts I think...

...some might call this abuse...

But after you've had your way with me, leaving me open, exposed...inviting, inciting  your brothers to also take their turns. Take their fill. Leave me full. Because the more Truth the better, right? Before you, I didn't know what a Truth Slut I was.

But I was built for this kind of affair, my love. I grew up getting my mind fucked on the regular. That all seems so adolescent, immature now. Those fucks were also doled out in the name of Truth. And even then I deserved it. Just by being me. Just by reading words, writing words, hearing words, thinking thoughts...I had been defiling myself. And even then I was made to understand, that just by being me, I was wrong. Sinful. All that blasphemous thinking. It's Truth, that thinking of an unTruth, is just as evil as committing the act itself. And then there were all the heretical questions. Your unblinking eye sees, I'm still asking questions that are not to be asked. Still challenging...Truth.

But those others were never quite like you. Not all perpetration, penetration, is equal, my dearest, oh no. And your Truth is the biggest, the hardest, and when you ram it down my throat...and I look up through tears at your glowing, righteous countenance...I know it's for my own Good. The greater Good. And you in all your purity, know I deserve this. You see me as I really am. Subhuman. Fascist.

You've been there watching for so long. I forget...what I even thought Truth was...

But you'll never let me forget, what your Truth is.

But I worry. Would it lessen your pleasure, my darling, my dear love, if you discovered...well, I'm afraid to tell you. Afraid you will find me no longer worthy of your lavish attention. After all this time...I shall...reveal a secret! It seems so small and insignificant next to your Truth. But I feel I must, as Truth is of the highest regard and consequence. It's strange you've never found me out—in all your searching, scouring, snooping. That I've yet to scream it out—during one of your ritual, inquisitive, public trials. Lean I want to tell you...whisper it in your ear, my love, my Truth...

I'm not who you think I am.

I'm queer.
I have been out so long, I remember a time before micro-aggressions.
So long I remember being devastated by the torture and murder of Matthew Shepard.
I have Jewish ancestry.
My most influential teacher in high school was black and native.
I worked for a Mexican family and know more about Oaxacan cuisine then you do about Taco Bell's menu.
I can cuss you out in Kitchen Spanish.
Voted for Bernie.
My child is trans.
His therapists were asian, then Mexican.
I waged a rogue flyer campaign attacking, and almost went into labor protesting, US foreign policy after 911—when being unpatriotic was very unpopular. Even in Portland.
I held my baby, weeping, listening to the bombs dropping on Bagdad via NPR.
I've read Soul on Ice and People's History of the United States.
Totally hot for Noam Chomsky. But still think Henry Kissing is a son-of-a-bitch.
I've had reoccurring interment camps dreams since I was a child and fully believe I experienced one in a past life
I've seen John Trudell speak.
Both my kids are queer.
My nephew is black. And trans. And queer.
I've curated more political art shows than you've attended.
Our dentist—Vietnamese.
My doctor—Jewish.
While young, I spent time in black churches and am moved to tears by gospel music.
I'm obsessed with Mongolian music and culture.
I've lived in predominantly black neighborhoods most of my life.
I study Kabbalah.
Malcolm X is my biggest history crush.
When I was 5, I watched a documentary on PBS about the KKK. After, I worried incessantly about the safety of a black girl in my class. I remember her name. It was Tina Miller.

But I still don't know yours—your name. My beloved, my Truth.

But in my heart I feel..and in my fucked mind I'll never let me go. Please. Don't ever let me go...

You're the Dennis Hopper to my Isabella Rossellini.

Yours forever and ever and ever,

Amelia Beechwood